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#Sponsored: How Athletes & Brands Can Leverage Each Other to Create Value

B. inggris tolong dong bantuin, mau dikumpulin soalnya​

tolong dong bantuin, mau dikumpulin soalnya​


To use a superlative, you simply add “-est” or “-iest” at the end of the adjective, or if there are more than two syllables in the word, then you add the word “most” before it.

1. Biggest

2. Most diligent

3. Most expensive

4. Hardest

5. Kindest

6. Tallest

7. Fastest

8. Smallest

9. Biggest

10. Cleanest


1. the elephant is the biggest animal on the earth.

2.Maya is the most diligent student in my class. She never comes late to school.

3.Those jackets are expensive.but the most expensive jacket is the red one.

4.Almost all students think mathematic is the most difficult subject in the school.

5.Mr.Ron is the kindest teacher in our school.He never gets angry to us.

6.There are four tall students in my class.But the tallest student is Raka.

7.Cheetah is known as the fastest runner animal on the earth.

8.An ant may be the smallest animal in the word.

9.Jakarta is the biggest capital in Indonesia.

10.Amold cleans his room twice a day. that's why his room is the cleanest among our room.


arti :

1.gajah adalah binatang terbesar di dunia.

2.maya adalah murid paling rajin di kelasku.dia tidak pernah datang terlambat ke sekolah.

3.jaket-jaket itu mahal.tapi jaket yg paling mahal adalah jaket merah.

4.hampir semua murid berpikir matematika adalah pelajaran tersulit di sekolah.

5.pak Ron adalah guru yg paling baik hati di sekolah kita.dia tidak pernah memarahi kita.

6.ada 4 murid tinggi di kelasku.tapi murid yg paling tinggi adalah Raka.

7.cheetah dikenal sebagai binatang pelari tercepat di dunia.

8.semut mungkin merupakan binatang terkecil di dunia.

9.Jakarta adalah ibukota terbesar di Indonesia.

10.,Arnold membersihkan kamarnya 2 kali sehari.itulah mengapa kamarnya merupakan kamar paling bersih diantara kamar-kamar kita.
